fredag den 11. maj 2012

Helen, Daughter of Zeus and Leda

Helen of Sparta?!?
   Helen of Troy!

Goddess, why do you wish to deceive me so?

Are you going to take me still further off,

to some well populated city somewhere  

in Phrygia or beautiful Maeonia,  

because you're in love with some mortal man

and Menelaus has just beaten Paris  

and wants to take me, a despised woman,

back home with him? Is that why you're here,

you and your devious trickery?  

Why don't you go with Paris by yourself,  

stop walking around here like a goddess,  

stop directing your feet toward Olympus,  

and lead a miserable life with him,  

caring for him, until he makes you his wife or slave. 

I won't go to him in there  

that would be shameful, serving him in bed.  

Every Trojan woman would revile me afterwards. 

Besides, my heart is hurt enough already.

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